

彭立华  教授

Peng Lihua Professor



2001–2005 南京农业老员工态学专业,学士

2005–2008 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所人文地理专业,硕士

2008–2012  香港大学地理系,博士

2013至今 菠菜优惠担保网,城乡规划系,讲师、副教授、教授,硕士生导师









[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:城市绿地-建筑三维景观格局的热环境效应与机理研究,批准号41871189, 2019.01-2022.12. 主持.

[2] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:社区尺度屋顶绿化热效应及其对城市形态结构的响应机理研究,批准号41401179, 2015.01-2017.12. 主持.

[3] 江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目:社区尺度屋顶绿化热效应及其与城市形态结构的定量关系研究,批准号BK20140941, 2014.07-2017.06. 主持.

[4] 江苏省双创博士资助项目:城市形态结构与绿色空间耦合热环境效应研究,2014-2016. 主持.

[5] 江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目:社区尺度屋顶绿化热效应研究,批准号14KJB700062014.08-2016.12. 主持.

[6] 南京市浦口区健康产业十三五规划,南京市浦口区发改局,2015-2016,技术总负责.

[7] 南京市江北新区发展的土地承载力研究,南京市国土资源局,2014,技术总负责.

[8] 南京市鼓楼区总体规划(2013-2030),南京市鼓楼区政府, 2013,生态网络专题负责人.


[1] S Yin, L. L. H. Peng*, N. Y. Feng, H. Wen, Z. Y. Ling, X. S. Yang, L. N. Dong. Spatial-temporal pattern in the cooling effect of a large urban forest and the factors driving it. Building and Environment, 2022, 209, 108676: 1–11. SCI, Top, IF=7.503

[2] L. L. H. PengZ. D. Jiang, X. S. Yang, Q.Q. Wang, Y. F. He, S. S. Chen. Energy savings of block-scale facade greening in different urban forms. Applied Energy, 2020, 279, 115844: 1–15. SCI, Top, IF=11.268

[3] L. L. H. PengZ. D. Jiang, X. S. Yang, Y. F. He, T. J. Xu, S. S. Chen. Cooling effects of block-scale facade greening and their relationship with urban form. Building and Environment, 2020, 169, 106552: 1–12. SCI, Top, IF=7.503

[4] X. S. Yang, L. L. H. Peng*, Z. D. Jiang, Y. Chen. Impact of urban heat island on energy demand in buildings: Local climate zones in Nanjing. Applied Energy, 2020, 260: 1–13.SCI, Top, IF=11.268

[5] X. S. Yang, Y. Chen, L. L. H. Peng*, Q.Q. Wang. Quantitative methods for identifying meteorological conditions conducive to the development of urban heat islands. Building and Environment, 2020, 178, 106953: 1–11. (SCI, Top, IF=7.503)

[6] X. S. Yang, L. L. H. Peng*, Y. Chen, L. Y. Yao, Q. Q. Wang. Air humidity characteristics of local climate zones: A three-year observation in Nanjing. Building and Environment, 2020, 171, 106661: 1–16. (SCI, Top, IF=7.503)

[7] L. L. H. PengX. S. Yang, Y. F. He, Z. Y. Hu, T. J. Xu, Z. D. Jiang, L. Y. Yao. Thermal and energy performance of two distinct green roofs: Temporal pattern and underlying factors in a subtropical climate. Energy and Buildings, 2019, 185: 247–258. SCI, Top, IF=7.269

[8] X. S. Yang, L. Y. Yao, L. L. H. Peng*, Z. D. Jiang, T. Jin, L. H. Zhao. Evaluation of a diagnostic equation for the daily maximum urban heat island intensity and its application to building energy simulations. Energy and Buildings, 2019, 193:160173.SCITop, IF=7.269

[9] X. S. Yang, L. Y. Yao, T. Jin, L. L. H. Peng, Z. D. Jiang, Z. Y. Hu. Assessing the thermal behavior of different local climate zones in the Nanjing metropolis, China. Building and Environment, 2018, 137: 171184. SCI, Top, IF=7.503

[10] L. L. H. Peng*, C. Y. Jim. Economic evaluation of green-roof environmental benefits in the context of climate change: The case of Hong Kong. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2015, 14: 554561. SCI & SSCIIF=6.463, Top 2/39

[11] L. L. H. Peng*, C. Y. Jim. Seasonal and diurnal thermal performance of a subtropical extensive green roof: the impacts of background weather parameters. Sustainability, 2015, 7(8), 1109811113. SCI & SSCI, IF=4.089

[12] L. L. H. Peng, C. Y. Jim*. Green-roof effects on neighborhood microclimate and human thermal sensation, Energies, 2013, 6(2): 598618. SCI, IF=3.333

[13] C. Y. Jim*, L. L. H. Peng. Substrate moisture effects on water balance and thermal performance of a tropical green roof. Ecological Engineering, 2012, 47: 923. SCI, IF=5.191

[14] C. Y. Jim*, L. L. H. Peng. Weather effects on thermal and energy performance of an extensive tropical green roof. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2012, 11: 7385. SCI & SSCI, IF=6.463, Top 2/39

[15] L. H. Peng, S. Chen*. Application of CITYgreen model in benefit assessment of Nanjing urban greenbelt in carbon fixation and runoff reduction. Frontier of Forestry in China. 2008, 3 (2): 177182 (Springer Link).

[16] 文慧,彭立华*,殷实,冯宁叶,凌子尧. 城市绿地热效应的全年变化特征及其与背景气象因子的关系. 生态学报,待刊.

[17] 凌子尧,彭立华*,文慧. 不同城市用地功能区实施屋顶绿化的雨洪调控效应比较.应用生态学报,待刊.

[18] 何云菲,彭立华*,杨小山,冯宁叶. 夏热冬冷地区屋顶绿化全年能耗削减及成本效益. 长江流域资源与环境, 2021, 30 (9): 2253–2264.

[19] 徐田婧,彭立华*,杨小山,何云菲,姜之点.亚热带季风区城市绿化屋顶的径流削减效应研究. 生态学报, 2019, 3920):7557–7566.

[20] 姜之点,彭立华*,杨小山,姚灵烨,朱春磊.街区尺度屋顶绿化热效应及其与城市形态结构之间的关系. 生态学报, 2018, 38 (19): 7120–7134.

[21] 彭立华*, 杨小山, 钱静等, 城市绿化屋顶的微气候调节与径流削减效应研究. 长江流域资源与环境, 2017, 26(10): 1658–1667. CSSCI

[22] 彭立华,陈爽*,刘云霞. CITYgreen 模型在城市绿地固碳与削减径流评估中的应用.应用生态学报,2007,18(6): 1293–1298. CSCD


[1] 人才项目:江苏省双创博士(境外世界名校类) 2014

[2] “南京市鼓楼区总体规划(2013-2030,江苏省城乡建设系统优秀勘察设计二等奖,2015

[3] 菠菜优惠担保网第八届青年教师授课竞赛三等奖,2015

[4] “景观生态规划原理与方法”, 江苏省优秀研究生课程, 2016

[5] “南京市城镇发展的土地承载力研究,江苏省国土资源科技创新奖二等奖,2017